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11 mm World Cup Shortfilms / Ffilmiau Byr 11mm Cwpan y Byd
The world's first football shortfilm world championship
Pencampwriaeth byd ffilm fer bêl-droed gyntaf y byd
Presented By Christoph Jungmann and Kay Philipp
Siaradwyr Christoph Jungmann and Kay Philipp
On the occasion of the FIFA World Cup 2022, 11mm presents the “1st football-shortfilm world championship” at “Wal Goch Festival”: 6-8 outstanding football-shortfilms compete against each other. A panel of judges selected by the Wal Goch Festival will then select the first ever "football-shortfilm world champion”
The short films will be presented as a warm up before each of our event screenings kick off at the William Aston. There will be a special package of shorts screened at a venue in the centre of Wrexham.
Cyflwynir y ffilmiau byr fel tamaid i aros pryd cyn y brif ddigwyddiad yn William Aston. Bydd pecyn arbennig o ffilmiau byr yn cael eu dangos mewn lleoliad yng nghanol Wrecsam.

Exclusive screening and world premiere
Premier byd eang
Host Jason Mohammed (TBC), Dafydd Iwan (TBC) | Live music Barry Horns I Guest Megan Feringa I Guest Roopa Vyas
Cadeirydd Jason Mohammed (TBC), Dafydd Iwan (TBC) | Cerddoriaeth fyw Barry Horns I Gwestion Megan Feringa I Gwestion Roopa Vyas
Rhaglen ddogfen yn dilyn taith Dafydd Iwan gyda'r tîm cenedlaethol a’r wal goch sydd wedi cofleidio ei gân werin glasurol Yma o Hyd. O gêm Awstria i Gwpan y Byd, dilynwn Dafydd bob cam a chael gwybod yr ystyr tu ôl i’r geiriau wrth i Dafydd recordio’r gân ar gyfer y twrnamaint.
Documentary following folk legend Dafydd Iwan’s journey with the national team and the army of the red wall who have embraced his classic folk song Yma o Hyd. From the Austria game to the World Cup, we follow Dafydd every step, unpacking the meaning of the song as Dafydd records the Football anthem for the tournament. Translation services will be available.
11 mm Film: En la boca The Molina family live in a small backyard in Buenos Aires next to the legendary Boca Juniors stadium. They earn their living in its shadow - with small tricks and deals.
11 mm Film: En la boca Mae teulu'r Molina yn byw mewn iard gefn fach yn Buenos Aires sy'n cefnu ar stadiwm chwedlonol Boca Juniors. Maen nhw'n ennill eu bara menyn yn ei chysgod drwy ddelio a chynllwynio.
Director Lorem Ipsum I Year 2022 I Duration 60 mins
Argentina/Switzerland I Year 2016 I Duration 25 mins

Live , Breath, Sing Football with FOCUS and Wal Goch
Byw, anadlu a chanu pêl-droed gyda FOCUS a’r Wal Goch
FOCUS Wales partners with the Wal Goch team to to offer two packed nights of live music in Wrexham on the 11th & 12th November at The Rocking Chair. With a line up which reflects the depth and diversity of new talent coming through in Wales in 2022, Wrexham will be the place to live, breathe and sing football this November!
Daw FOCUS a’r Wal Goch at ei gilydd i gynnig dwy noson o gerddoriaeth fyw yn y Rocking Chair, Wrecsam ar yr 11eg a’r 12fed o Dachwedd. Gyda gwesteion sy’n adlewyrchu dyfnder ac amrywiaeth canu cyfoes Cymru yn 2022, Wrecsam yw’r lle i fyw, anadlu a chanu pêl-droed fis Tachwedd!

Gruff Rhys
Gruff Rhys plays The Parish!
Gruff yn y Plwyf!
Rare and exclusive acoustic set for one of our most iconic artists. Profits go to Gôl charity.
Set acwstig prin gan un o'n artistiaid mwyaf eiconig. Elw yn mynd i elusen Gôl
*Please note that this is an intimate show with the venue having a capacity allowing for just 80 attendees. Arrive early to avoid disappointment. Access to this show is limited to 3 and 2 day wristband holders, on a first come first served basis.
*Nodwch fod hon yn sioe agos-atoch gyda lle yn y lleoliad sy’n caniatáu dim ond 80 o fynychwyr. Dewch yn gynnar i osgoi cael eich siomi. Mae mynediad i’r sioe hon wedi’i gyfyngu i ddeiliaid bandiau arddwrn 3 a 2 ddiwrnod, ar sail y cyntaf i’r felin.

Don't Take Me Home
Jonny Owen's iconic film
Ffilm eiconig Jonny Owen
Special Guest TBC
Gwesteion arbennig TBC
The story of the Welsh international football team's rise through the FIFA World Rankings, and onto their first international tournament for 58 years.
11 mm Film: Bloody Footy Vito is horrified when his son Mario requests an Aussie football for his birthday rather than a 'soccer' ball. Through divine intervention, Vito devises a plan ...
11 mm Film: Bloody Footy Mae Vito yn gwylltio pan mae ei fab Mario yn gofyn am bêl gêm Awstralia yn hytrach na phêl-droed go iawn. Ond gyda chymorth, mae Vito'n llunio cynllun ...
Australia I Year 2002 I Duration 15 mins

Y Byd Ar Bedwar
Cyfres materion cyfoes gyda straeon o Gymru a'r byd yn byw o'r ŵyl
Gwestion TBC
Guest TBC
Dogfen gyda cyflwynydd yn archwilio hawliau sifil yn Qatar (am ddim)
Welsh language documentry about human rights in Qatar (admission free.)

The extraordinary story and fairytale rise of Swansea City under John Toshack.
The extraordinary story and fairytale rise of Swansea City under John Toshack.
With John Bishop, Gareth Edwards, Malcolm Struel, Leighton James
Gyda John Bishop, Gareth Edwards, Malcolm Struel, Leighton James
Q&A with producers Laurence Mora, Dan Harris and very special guest.
Sesiwn holi-ac-ateb gyda'r cynhyrchwyr Laurence Mora, Dan Harris a gwestai arbennig iawn.
In the late 70s, Swansea City, a club struggling at the wrong end of the football league, pulled off an audacious move to sign one of football’s top players - Wales and Liverpool legend John Toshack - as their new player manager.
What happened next is fairytale stuff as Tosh led the team from the bottom of the fourth division to the first division in five years.
Tosh is Eat Sleep Media's first in-house documentary film and is produced in association with Focus Shift Films and Kaleidoscope Film Distribution.
Yn niwedd y 70au fe lwyddodd Dinas Abertawe, clwb oedd wedi disgyn i berfeddion y gyngrhair, i arwyddo un o chwaraewyr gorau ei genhedlaeth - arwr Cymru a Lerpwl John Toshack - fel ei chwaraewr/rheolwr.
Stori dylwyth teg oedd hi wrth iddo fynd â'r clwb o waelod y bedwaredd i dop yr adran gyntaf o fewn pum mlynedd.
Director Pete Jones I Year 2022 I Duration 79 mins

Can Fan Power Save Football's Soul / Ydy Grym Cefnogwyr yn Gallu Achub Enaid Pêl-Droed
Champions League protests, 50+1 rule in Germany, Ultras taking back control of their clubs ...
Protest Cyngrhair y Pencampwyr, Rheol 50+1 yr Almaen, Ultras yn berchen ar glybiau ...
Host Tim Hartley, Kit Holden, Nacho Lorente, James Montague
Champions League protests, 50+1 rule in Germany, Ultras taking back control of their clubs ... Tim Hartley (Cymru), Kit Holden (Germany), Ignacio Lorente (Spain) and James Montague (UK/Turkey) give their unique perspectives.
11mm Film I Love Hooligans A football hooligan loves his club unconditionally. But if you're gay, you'll try to be as inconspicuous as possible in this world
Protest Cyngrhair y Pencampwyr, Rheol 50+1 yr Almaen, Ultras yn berchen ar glybiau ... Tim Hartley (Cymru), Kit Holden (Almaen), Ignacio Lorente (Sbaen) and James Montague (DY/Twrci) yn cynnig eu perspectif unigryw.
11mm Film I Love Hooligans Mae hwligan pêl-droed yn caru ei glwb yn ddiamod. Ond os ych chi'n hoyw, byddwch am fod yn anweledig.
NL I Year 2013 I Duration 12 mins

Spirit of ‘22
Co-ordinator Nick Stradling, the host of the Wales In the Movies YouTube channel
Supported by Yes Cymru
Nick will show his film of the Wales-Slovakia match in Bordeaux in 2016 Y Wal Goch followed by a Q+A (interviewer tbc). He’ll also use the event as an opportunity to publicise his crowdfunder for his Qatar film.

Whoever You Support, Mind Support's You/Pwy bynnag rych chi'n cefnogi, mae Mind yn eich cefnogi chi
Join the MIND team for this interactive session to explore more about mental health in football. This includes how to spot the signs a player or fan might be off their game, how to speak about mental health and support through signposting to mental health support.
Ymuwch a thîm MIND ar gyfer y sesiwn rhyngweithiol yma er mwyn deall mwy am iechyd meddwl a phêl-droed. Byddwn yn trafod sut mae nodi os nad yw chwarawer neu gefnogwr yn iawn, sut mae trafod iechyd meddwl a pha gymorth sydd ar gael.

On Our Terms / Ar Ein Telerau Ni
Changing the game. Women, empowerment and equality.
Newid y gêm. Menywod, grymuso a chydraddoldeb.
Host This Fan Girl I Guest Megan Feringa I Guest Roopa Vyas
Gwesteiwr This Fan Girl I Gwestion Megan Feringa I Gwestion Roopa Vyas
Award winning digital platform, ‘This Fan Girl’ partners with Wal Goch to present a screening and panel discussion that will celebrate the power of football and the way it can empower women and non-binary people to connect through playing, working in or spectating as well as asking what needs to change to enable women to achieve equity within the sport.
11 mm Film: Libre Directo Adela has a great chance to win €300,000 and leave her old life behind. The only condition: at half-time in a Spanish league game, she must kick a ball from the halfway line into an empty goal...
Trwy gyfrwng dangosiad a thrafodaeth mae'r Wal Goch yn partneri gyda'r llwyfan digidol 'This Fan Girl' er mwyn dathlu grym pêl-droed a'r ffordd y mae'n gallu grymuso mewnywod a phobol anneuaidd trwy chwarae, gwylio neu gweithio yn y gêm. Byddwn hefyd yn gofyn beth sydd angen newid er mwyn sicrhau ecwiti o fewn y gêm.
11 mm Film: Libre Directo Yn 60 oed mae gan Adela gyfle gwych i ennill €300,000 a chefni ar ei hen ffordd o fyw. Yr unig amod: cicio pêl o'r llinell hanner i mewn i gôl wag hanner amser mewn gêm gyngrhair yn Sbaen...
ESP I Year 2011 I Duration 13 mins

90 Munud o Gerddi Pel-Droed / 90 Minutes of Football Poetry
A night of multilingual words and poems celebrating football.
Noson o eiriau a cherddi amlieithog yn dathlu pêl-droed.
Host Ifor Ap Glyn, Evrah Rose
Gwesteiwr Ifor Ap Glyn, Evrah Rose
Two of Wales' top poets former National Poet of Wales Ifor Ap Glyn and Evrah Rose bring together a team of poets from around the world to celebrate and bring together the football and poetry in an exciting night of verse in the centre of Wrexham.
Bydd cyn Fardd Cenedlaethol Cymru Ifor ap Glyn, Evrah Rose a beirdd o bod cwr o'r byd yn cydblethu pêl-droed a barddoniaeth.

The Beautiful Game in Prison/Y Gêm Brydferth yn y Carchar
Inside Out Support Wales - The Beautiful Game in Prison
Y Gêm Brydferth yn y Carchar
Chris Leslie Former prison footballer and Director of Inside Out Support Wales
Cyn-garcharor a Chyfarwyddwr Inside Out Support Wales
Jamie Grundy Author 90 Minutes of Freedom
Awdur 90 Minutes of Freedom
Can football be used to help rehabilitate prisoners and reduce reoffending? Oes modd defnyddio pêl-droed er mwyn adsefydlu carcharorion? Football is a big deal in Welsh prisons. Whether it's on the concrete yards for 5 a side: prison wing versus prison wing or on the 3G with David Dein's Twinning Project training the coaches of the future. It could even be the grass pitches of Monmouth with the only prisoner football team in Wales to play in a community league, players will always turn out to play. It is this ability to use sport as tool of engagement, and to use football as a way to improve behaviour that makes it stand out. Find out more about football behind bars with those who've experienced it.
Mae pêl-dreod yn bwysig iawn yn y carchar. Boed ar y concrid ar gyfer 5 bob ochor, bloc yn erbyn bloc neu ar y 3G yn hyfforddi hyfforddwyr y dyfodol. Hyd yn oed ar gae go iawn yn Sir Fynwy lle mae'r unig dîm carchar yng Nhymru yn chwarae yn y gymuned, bydd chwaraewyr wastod yn troi allan i chwarae. Yr hyn sy'n sefyll mas yw grym y gêm i helpu gwella ymddygiad. Dewch i glywed mwy am bêl-droed y tu ôl i ddrysau caeedig gan y sawl sy wedi 'bod yna.'

Panini World Cup Sticker Swap
On Saturday 12th the museum will be hosting a Panini World Cup sticker swap shop alongside a LEGO football-themed activity. Families welcome. No booking required. 11am-1pm. FREE.

From the first shirt you owned as a child to the latest club or national team replica, football fans love football shirts. Many are now considered design classics, some less so. But they all have a place in the game and a story to tell. Shirt Stories provides a glimpse into the history of the Welsh game…and a destination for football shirt lovers everywhere.
Boed eich crys cyntaf, un eich clwb neu un eich gwlad, ryn ni'r cefnogwyr yn caru ein crysau. Mae gan bob un ei le unigryw a stori i'w hadrodd. Dyma gip ar hanes y gêm yng Nghymru trwy ein crysau. Mae'r sesiwn yma ar gyfer crys-garwyr ym mhob man.
Exhibition Tours
On Saturday 12th come to a curator-led tour of the exhibition to hear more about Shirt Stories and to exclusively view some extra shirts not on display.
Tours at 11.30am, 12.30pm and 1.30pm. Maximum of 10 per tour. Email to book your place, first come, first served. FREE.

World Cup 2022 Sticker Swap Shop - Tŷ Pawb
World Cup 2022 Sticker Swap Shop
World Cup 2022 Sticker Swap Shop
*Suitable for all ages
FREE, drop-in, no booking required.

Stick to Sport Podcast
Much more to talk about than VAR!
Mae mwy i siarad am na VAR!
Host Seb Belli with Special Guests
Cad Seb Belli gyda Gwesteion Arbennig
Every day footballers, opinion makers and guests from the world of footie, fashion, film and public life will be chatting about football, history, politics, and culture of the game.
Ymateb SITS i'r sawl sy'n meddwl bod modd gwahanu hanes, gwleidyddiaeth a diwylliant oddi wrth chwaraeon. Mae wastod mwy i drafod na VAR!

Family Art Club
Make Your Own Bedwyr Williams-inspired ‘Wrexham is the Name’ Scarf
Family Art Club – Make Your Own Bedwyr Williams-inspired ‘Wrexham is the Name’ Scarf.
*This session is a family drop-in. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
FREE with festival wristband. £3 per child without wristband.
Activity located in the Useful Art Space. Drop-in

House of Retro
Fifa 23 competition in the Flexi Space at Tŷ Pawb
A shop specialising in retro video games from the early 80s onwards, but we also stock more modern titles too.
*Open to all
To take part in the competition you need to register at the House of Retro shop in Tŷ Pawb no later than 15 minutes before the competition starts.
The competition will comprise quick-fire 12 minute games with a Swiss pairing system.
Contact Brendan at House of Retro for further details.

Legend of Welsh Sport
Arwr Chwaraeon Cenedlaethol
Hosted by Mind Cymru I Host Bethan Clement Davies I Extra Special Guest Neville Southall, Other Guests TBC
Dan ofal MIND Cymru I Dan ofal Bethan Clement Davies I Gwestai arbennig Neville Southall, Gwesteion eraill i'w cadarnhau
This film follows Neville Southall's unconventional rise to the top of professional football, and the events that shaped him into the idiosyncratic icon. Unseen archive, deep and revealing interviews with allies, former teammates and close friends help Neville tell his own funny, surprising, and emotional story.
Mae'r ffilm yn olrhain gyrfa anghonfensiynol Neville Sothall i gopa'r byd pêl-droed proffesiynol a'r digwyddiadau wnaeth ei droi'n eicon unigryw. Trwy gyfrwng archif newydd, cyfweliadau dwys a dadlennol, gyda chyn gyd-chwaraewyr a chyfeillion agos, mae Neville yn adrodd ei hanes personol, doniol ac emosiynol.
BBC I Year 2022 I Duration 30 mins

Anthony Jones Exhibition / Arddangosfa
Anthony Jones Exhibition
Anthony Jones Arddangosfa
Y wal goch is a documentary look at Welsh football fans and passion they have for the team as well as the game by documentary photographer Anthony Jones, whose work focuses on Wales and Welsh culture.
THE DISPENSARY GALLERY, School of Creative Arts, 49 Regent St, Wrexham LL11 1PF

Doris Mind Bus
Let’s talk about mental health
Vale of Clwyd Mind’s mobile outreach vehicle will be joining us and giving advice at from the William Aston car park.
Bydd cerbyd symudol Mind Dyffryn Clwyd yn ymuno gyda ni ym maes parcio William Aston er mwyn cynnig cyngor.