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A session looking at bio-mechanics, medicine and the future sustainability of the professional game | Sesiwn sy'n edrych ar fio-ddeinameg, meddyginiaeth a chynaladwyedd y gêm broffesiynol
The panel of players and experts will be looking at some of the hot topics in the womens' game and how science, research and medicine is helping to maximise performance. A must for anyone interested in the future of the women's game I Bydd panel o chwaraewyr ac arbenigwyr yn edrych ar bynciau llosg gêm y merched a sut y mae gwyddoniaeth, ymchwil a meddyginiaeth yn helpu sicrhau'r perfformiad gorau. Rhaid i unrhywun sy' â diddordeb yn nyfodol y gêm menywod