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11 mm World Cup Shortfilms / Ffilmiau Byr 11mm Cwpan y Byd
The world's first football shortfilm world championship
Pencampwriaeth byd ffilm fer bêl-droed gyntaf y byd
Presented By Christoph Jungmann and Kay Philipp
Siaradwyr Christoph Jungmann and Kay Philipp
On the occasion of the FIFA World Cup 2022, 11mm presents the “1st football-shortfilm world championship” at “Wal Goch Festival”: 6-8 outstanding football-shortfilms compete against each other. A panel of judges selected by the Wal Goch Festival will then select the first ever "football-shortfilm world champion”
The short films will be presented as a warm up before each of our event screenings kick off at the William Aston. There will be a special package of shorts screened at a venue in the centre of Wrexham.
Cyflwynir y ffilmiau byr fel tamaid i aros pryd cyn y brif ddigwyddiad yn William Aston. Bydd pecyn arbennig o ffilmiau byr yn cael eu dangos mewn lleoliad yng nghanol Wrecsam.

Cewri Cwpan y Byd/World Cup Giants
Rhagolwg ecsgliwsif ar ffilm S4C/BBC yn dilyn siwrne Cymru i gemau terfynol Cwpan y Byd.
Exclusive look at S4C/BBC film documenting Team Cymru's journey to the World Cup Finals.
Gwesteion Katie Owen, Ian Rush, Lesley Griffiths a Chadeirydd arbennig, Gwion Tegid - Cynhyrchydd
Guests Katie Owen, Ian Rush, Lesley Griffiths, Gwion Tegid - Producer and Special Guest host
O Toshack i Speed, Coleman i Page. Rhaglen llawn cyffro, trasiedi a llwyddiant yn edrych ar dros deunaw mlynedd o adeiladu tîm pêl-droed rhyngwladol dynion Cymru. Golwg tu ôl y llenni mewn cyfweliadau gyda’r chwaraewyr, rheolwyr, staff a’r Wal Goch ar y daith hir i Gwpan y Byd 2022.
From Toshack to Speed, Coleman to Page. A programme full of excitement, tragedy and success looking at over eighteen years of building up the Welsh men's international football team. A look behind the scenes in interviews with the players, managers, staff and Red Wall supporters on the long journey to the 2022 World Cup. Translation services will be available.
11 mm Film: Steward Y swydd mwyaf anodd yn y stadiwm, o leiaf yn feddyliol, yw un y stiward. Wrth i bawb arall gael eu eu swyno gan y gêm mae'r stiward yn gorfod edrych y ffordd arall. Ond mae 'na adegau pan bod hyd y cryfaf yn ildio.
11 Film: Domingo Mae Domingo'n sylwebu ar y chwarae ar faes y pentref. Ond ei freuddwyd yw cael sylwebu ar gemau "go iawn" ar deledu. Daw ddydd!
11 mm Film: Steward The toughest job in the stadium - at least mentally - is that of the steward. While everyone follows the game spellbound, the steward has to look exactly in the other direction. But there are moments when even the strongest become weak.
11 Film: Domingo,Domingo comments on the recreational games on his village's soccer field. His dream is to be able to commentate on "real" games for television. One day he gets the chance of his life.
Cymru I Year 2022 I Duration 30 mins
Netherlands I Year 2022 I Duration 2 mins
Mexico I Year 2015 I Duration 20 mins

Talwrn y Beirdd
Cystadleuaeth barddoni Radio Cymru.
Radio Cymru's Welsh language poetry competition.

Adrian Chiles in Conversation with David Conn / Adrian Chiles yn Sgwrsio gydâ David Conn
Adrian Chiles in Conversation with David Conn
Adrian Chiles yn Sgwrsio gyda David Conn
David Conn, one of the most respected investigative journlaists in football, chats to Adrian Chiles about some of the defining moments in his career such as his work on Hillsboroough and his latest book, The Fall of the House of Fifa.
Bydd David Conn, un o'n newyddiadurwyr pêl-droed mwyaf dylanwadol, yn trafod rhai o ddigwyddiadau pwysicaf ei yrfa, Hillborough a'i lyfr The Fall of the House of FIFA gyda Adrian Chiles.

Live, Breath, Sing Football with FOCUS and Wal Goch
Byw, anadlu a chanu pêl-droed gyda FOCUS a’r Wal Goch
FOCUS Wales partners with the Wal Goch team to offer two packed nights of live music in Wrexham on the 11th & 12th November at The Rocking Chair. With a line up which reflects the depth and diversity of new talent coming through in Wales in 2022, Wrexham will be the place to live, breathe and sing football this November!
Daw FOCUS a’r Wal Goch at ei gilydd i gynnig dwy noson o gerddoriaeth fyw yn y Rocking Chair, Wrecsam ar yr 11eg a’r 12fed o Dachwedd. Gyda gwesteion sy’n adlewyrchu dyfnder ac amrywiaeth canu cyfoes Cymru yn 2022, Wrecsam yw’r lle i fyw, anadlu a chanu pêl-droed fis Tachwedd!

The Art of The Wales Shirt
Eat Sleep Media presents “The Art of The Wales Shirt”
Eat Sleep Media yn cyflwyno “Celfyddyd y Crys Cymreig”
Guests Dan Harris, Laurence Mora , Rob Earnshaw & Brian Flynn
Join former Wales international Rob Earnshaw and Brian Flynn for a showing of a new documentary on the artistry & history of Wales' stunning shirts.
Brought to you by EatSleep Media and as part of a top secret project. Get your tickets. More to be revealed.
Credit: EatSleep Media

Croatia: Defining a Nation
How football helped shape a nation's identity
Sut wnaeth pêl-droed helpu i lunio hunaniaeth cenedl
Guest Adrian Chiles + 2 Special Guests TBC
Gwestai Adrian Chiles + 2 Gwesteion Arbennig
The story of a nation emerging from the wreckage of the Balkan war and the disintegration of Yugoslavia to come 3rd at the 1998 World Cup in France. A nation barely established took on and beat the world’s powerhouse nations, coming within a whisker of lifting the trophy.
Hanes egin-genedl yn codi o ddinistr rhyfeloedd y Balkan a chwmyp Iwgoslafia i ddod yn drydedd yng Nghwpan y Byd 1998. Fe wnaeth cenedl ifanc wynebu cenhedloedd cryfa’r byd a dod o fewn trwch blewyn i godi’r tlws.
Director Louis Myles I Year 2022 I Duration 114 mins

When Friday Comes: Football Revolution in the Middle East and the Road to Qatar / Pan Ddaw Dydd Gwener: Chwyldro Pêl-droed yn y Dwyrain Canol a'r Daith i Qatar
When Friday Comes: Football Revolution in the Middle East and the Road to Qatar
Pan Ddaw Dydd Gwener: Chwyldro Pêl-droed yn y Dwyrain Canol a'r Daith i Qatar
James Montague in conversation with Memet Ali Alabora
Bydd James Montague yn sgwrsio gyda Memet Ali Alabora
From revolutionary ultras of the Arab Spring and the takeover of some of the world's biggest clubs by the Emirati super rich, to Qatar's controversial journey towards hosting the 2022 World Cup finals. James Montague tells the definitive tale of the region's rise to ultimate power player in the global game.
O chwyldro ultras y Gwanwyn Arabaidd i rhai o glybiau mwya'r byd yn cael eu prynu gan gyfoethogion yr Emiradau, i lwyddiant dadleuol Qatar yn 'ennill' ffeinal Cwpan y Byd 2022. James Montague fydd yn olrhain sut wnaeth rhan yma'r byd gyrraedd brîg y gêm byd-eang.
Author James Montague I Year 2022

Eleri Sion
Eleri Sion live from The Turf
Host Eleri Sion BBC Radio Wales
Cad Eleri Sion BBC Radio Wales
Eleri Sion presents her BBC Radio Wales show live from The Turf in Wrexham. Expect live music, special guests from the Wal Goch Festival and a football themed film hour with Gary Slaymaker.
*Entry is free.

Growing Your Community of Changemakers Workshop / Gwaithdy Ar Dyfu Eich Cymuned O Grewyr Newid
Growing your grassroots club's community, a workshop with Grow Social Capital
Tyfu cymuned eich clwb lleol, gweithdy Tyfu Cyfalaf Cymdeithasol
Host Andy Green
Cad Andy Green
Learn how 'Social Capital' can be used to grow your clubs communities. An entertaining, engaging and inter-active session.
Sut i ddefndio 'Cyfalaf Cymdeithasol' er mwy tyfu cymundau eich clwb. Sesiwn ddifyr a rhyngweithiol.

FOOTBALL DOCS, THE NEW ROCK N ROLL: with screening of short film Independent Football Nation
DOGFEN PÊL-DROED, Y ROC A RÔL NEWYDD: Gyda Ffilm Byr Cenedl Bêl-droed Annibynnol
Host Joe Towns
Louis Myles - Director (Kaiser, Defining a Nation)
John McKenna - Noah Media Group Founder (Jack Charlton, South of the River)
Dave Bouchard - BBC Sport, Senior Producer (Making Macclesfield FC)
Greg Caine - Film maker, Jiw Jiw Films (Independent Football Nation)
This is an entertainment genre exploding onto our screens like no other. Netflix kicked it all off with their Sunderland Til I Die series, now Disney and FX have just launched Welcome to Wrexham made by Hollywood stars Ryan Reynolds and Rob McEllheney. Amazon Prime went all in on All or Nothing; a glossy, access all areas take on life inside Man City and Arsenal. Finding Jack Charlton redefined the football documentary with its poignant and sensitive treatment of Alzheimer’s. BBC had a hit with Fever Pitch which told tales of the rise of the Premier League and FIFA launched their FIFA+ platform with a promise of high quality long form storytelling. Now all the major broadcasters want a piece of the action. Factual football films are in fashion. Join key decision makers, industry experts and lead creatives from the sports doc industry who’ll be talk about the whole process – from pitch to production, via fund raising, storytelling, access, ethics, rights and distribution.
Dyma genre adloniant sy'n ffrwydro ar ein sgriniau. Netflix wnaeth ddangos y ffordd gyda'r gyfres Sunderland Til I Die, nawr mae Disney ac FX wedi lansio Welcome to Wrexham gyda sêr Hollywood Ryan Reynolds a Rob McEllheney. Daeth Amazon Prime i'r gêm gyda All or Nothing, cyfres gaboledig yn codi'r llen ar Man City ac Arsenal. Mi wnaeth Finding Jack Charlton ail-ddiffinio'r ddogfen bêl-droed gyda'i phortread dirdynnol o'r clefyd Alzheimer. Mi wnaeth y BBC daro deuddeg gyda Fever Pitch oedd yn olrhain tŵf yr Uwch Gyngrhair ac mae FIFA wedi lansio'i llwyfan FIFA+ gan addo adrodd straeon 'hir' o ansawdd. Nawr mae'r darlledwyr mawr eisiau bod yn rhan o'r gêm. Mae ffilmiau pêl-droed yn ffasiynol. Ymunwch â'r arbenigwyr, y comisiynwyr ac arweinwyr y diwydiant dogfen chwaraeon i drafod y broses gyfan - o'r pitsh i'r cynhyrchu, codi cyllid, adrodd y stori, moesoldeb, hawliau a dosbarthu.

Stick to Sport Podcast
Much more to talk about than VAR!
Mae mwy i siarad am na VAR!
Host Seb Belli with Special Guests
Cad Seb Belli gyda Gwesteion Arbennig
Every day footballers, opinion makers and guests from the world of footie, fashion, film and public life will be chatting about football, history, politics and the culture of the game.
Bob dydd bydd peldroedwyr a gwesteion o fyd ffasiwn, y gêm ei hun, byd y ffilmiau a bywyd cyhoeddus yn trafod pêl-droed, hanes, gwleidyddiaeth a diwylliant y gêm.

11 mm World Cup Shortfilms / Ffilmiau Byr 11mm Cwpan y Byd
The world's first football shortfilm world championship
Pencampwriaeth byd ffilm fer bêl-droed gyntaf y byd
Presented By Christoph Jungmann and Kay Philipp
Siaradwyr Christoph Jungmann and Kay Philipp
On the occasion of the FIFA World Cup 2022, 11mm presents the “1st football-shortfilm world championship” at “Wal Goch Festival”: 6-8 outstanding football-shortfilms compete against each other. A panel of judges selected by the Wal Goch Festival will then select the first ever "football-shortfilm world champion”
The short films will be presented as a warm up before each of our event screenings kick off at the William Aston. There will be a special package of shorts screened at a venue in the centre of Wrexham.
Cyflwynir y ffilmiau byr fel tamaid i aros pryd cyn y brif ddigwyddiad yn William Aston. Bydd pecyn arbennig o ffilmiau byr yn cael eu dangos mewn lleoliad yng nghanol Wrecsam.

Keynote Address / Prif Siaradwyr
Festival Opening
Agoriad Swyddogol yr Ŵyl
A Welcome for Wal Goch to Wrexham from Cllr Nigel Williams, Lead Member for Economy and Regeneration, Wrexham County Borough Council
An Introduction to the Wrexham Gateway Project and it’s benefits for football by Ian Bancroft, Chief Executive, Wrexham County Borough Council

From the first shirt you owned as a child to the latest club or national team replica, football fans love football shirts. Many are now considered design classics, some less so. But they all have a place in the game and a story to tell. Shirt Stories provides a glimpse into the history of the Welsh game…and a destination for football shirt lovers everywhere.
Boed eich crys cyntaf, un eich clwb neu un eich gwlad, ryn ni'r cefnogwyr yn caru ein crysau. Mae gan bob un ei le unigryw a stori i'w hadrodd. Dyma gip ar hanes y gêm yng Nghymru trwy ein crysau. Mae'r sesiwn yma ar gyfer crys-garwyr ym mhob man.

Anthony Jones Exhibition / Arddangosfa
Anthony Jones Exhibition
Anthony Jones Arddangosfa
Y wal goch is a documentary look at Welsh football fans and passion they have for the team as well as the game by documentary photographer Anthony Jones, whose work focuses on Wales and Welsh culture.
THE DISPENSARY GALLERY, School of Creative Arts, 49 Regent St, Wrexham LL11 1PF

The BBC Radio Wales Phone-In
The BBC Radio Wales Phone-In
Host BBC Radio Wales
Cad BBC Radio Wales
BBC Radio Wales gets ready for the World Cup with the Radio Wales Phone-In. Featuring guests from the Wal Goch Festival, and your calls on how you are preparing for the tournament.
*Please note that this is not an in-person event. Listen live on BBC Radio Wales or the BBC Sounds app

Doris Mind Bus
Let’s talk about mental health
Vale of Clwyd Mind’s mobile outreach vehicle will be joining us and giving advice at from the William Aston car park.
Bydd cerbyd symudol Mind Dyffryn Clwyd yn ymuno gyda ni ym maes parcio William Aston er mwyn cynnig cyngor.