90 Minutes of Poetry / 90 Munud o Farddoniaeth
Evening of poetry celebrating the beautiful game
Noswaith o farddoniaeth i ddathlu’r gêm prydferth
Ifor ap Glyn, Sarah McCreadie, Jon Maya Soria, Amets Arzallus
Former National Poet of Wales, Ifor ap Glyn, curates an evening of football-themed poetry with poets from across Wales and the Basque Country
Mae Ifor ap Glyn, cyn-Fardd Cenedlaethol Cymru, yn curadu noswaith o farddonaieth â thema pêl-droed gyda feirdd o ledled Cymru a Gwlad y Basg
Supported and funded by Gŵyl Cymru | Cefnogwyd ac ariannwyd gan Gŵyl Cymru
Wrexham Football Heritage Trail | Trywydd Treftadaeth Bêl-droed Wrecsam
Guided walk through the streets of Wrexham and key locations in Welsh football history | Daith dywys trwy strydoedd Wrecsam a lleoliadau allweddol mewn hanes pê l-droed Cymru
Wrexham Museums
Amgueddfeydd Wrecsam
Guided walk through the streets of Wrexham will take you to some of the most iconic and recognisable places in the city and connects the dots between landmarks, football and community
Bydd y daith dywys hon drwy strydoedd Wrecsam yn mynd â chi i rai o’r lleoedd mwyaf eiconig ac adnabyddadwy yn y ddinas ac yn cysylltu’r dotiau rhwng tirnodau, pêl-droed a chymuned
*arrive 15 mins before start | cyrraedd 15 munud cyn amser cychwyn