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Everton FC Heritage Society and its grave rededication projects I Cymdeithas Dreftadaeth CPD Everton a'i phrosiectau ailgysegru beddau
With particular reference to those two early Welsh Evertonians - Charlie Parry, at Oswestry Cemetery; and George Farmer, at Anfield Cemetery in Liverpool - the session will share insights into the research required for projects of this nature, including tracing and engaging with living descendants of the notable individuals being commemorated I Gan sôn yn arbenning am y ddau Evertonwyr Cymreig cynnar - Charlie Parry, ym Mynwent Croesoswallt; a George Farmer, ym Mynwent Anfield yn Lerpwl - bydd y sesiwn yn rhannu mewnwelediadau ar yr ymchwil ar gyfer prosiectau fel hyn, yn cynnwys olrhain ac ymgysylltu â pherthnasau cyfredol y rheini o fri sy'n cael eu coffáu
Jamie Yates Everton FC Heritage Society | Cymdeithas Dreftadaeth CPD Everton